Fethullah Gülen reageert in een nieuw persbericht op de huidige situatie in Turkije. Door de historie van Turkije heen hebben er meerdere coups plaatsgevonden en het is niet de eerste keer dat kwaadwillenden de macht hebben proberen te grijpen en over lijken zijn gegaan hiervoor. Dezelfde kwaadwillenden hebben het volk verdeeld en huidige bewindspersonen en vooraanstaanden in de media zorgen voor een toename van de spanningen in het volk. Fethullah Gülen herinnert iedereen er nogmaals aan dat Hizmet-sympathisanten nooit hun toevlucht tot geweld zullen nemen en zich altijd aan de wet zullen houden ongeacht alle beschuldigingen en aanvallen op Hizmet. Lees de volledige vertaling van het persbericht hieronder in het Engels.

From past to present, some evil powers have provoked some groups who attacked the streets and provoked others against them, and brought all them into conflict; So they tried to gain their own interests.

As a matter of fact, in the similar provocations that started from 27th of May coup (1960) and continued until 1980’s coup and even afterwards. The similar evil powers divided the people into classes like rightist and leftist, ridden on their veins and sons of (the same) motherland made to kill each other; And then aimed to establish their reign over the flowing blood.

It is seen that under the conditions we are in, the same scenarios are being staged, ethnic and sectarian forms of conflict are being prepared, and even worse “May Allah forbid” country is being dragged into an internal war.

Everyone who loves our country with its every corner, color, pattern, kind, and accent must be very careful and cautious of provocations and strictly stay away of the cruel principal of retaliation in kind.

Unfortunately, the provocative language used by some statesmen, some media actors and social media markers raises tensions and facilitates social incitements.

However, matters should be dealt with not by shouting, burning, destroying and killing but by logic, mind, discernment and humanly.
In addition, I remind once again that there are no street involvements, fight, incitement, and above all, violence in the occupation of the Hizmet volunteers.

If their opponents treat the volunteers of the Hizmet with whichever unacceptable styles and methods, they will never deviate from the borders of the constitutional framework and the democratic state of law, nor will they reintroduce themselves to unofficial ways.

The Hizmet People, whose philosophy has always been “be constructive”, will continue to defend their rights in the legitimate circle, like all patriotic, honest, and honourable individuals did and are going to do-as long as they can- however always within the limits of law; and will never rise to the bait of the dark scriptwriters by the will and grace of Allah.

By this means, once more I would humbly like to call upon Allah for the eternal happiness of our martyrs, for the patience of the nation, for prudency of the authorities, and to return of their blood fed traps to themselves.

Finally, I invite everybody to take refuge in the power of the pray: “Oh my Allah, provide our union, provide us with reconciliation, make us successful in concord and unity. Bring remedies to the heart and minds of those whom you guide and reform. If there are those who you do not wish to rehabilitate among those who are hostile, and who do not want to be rehabilitated on their behalf, disrupt their plans and end their affairs.”

Het originele persbericht in het Turks verscheen op 18-12-2016 en is te vinden via deze link: http://herkul.org/diger/m-fethullah-gulen-hocaefendinin-gundeme-dair-basin-aciklamasi-18-aralik-2016/

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